Brand Asset Manager

About the project // Ascension, one of the nation’s largest healthcare organizations, needed a tool for their marketing directors at each hospital to access brand assets plus purchase digital and physical marketing materials personalized with their unique brand.

Hats worn: UX strategy, Prototyping, UX design

Created at Healthgrades

  • Research

    Although one of Ascension’s enterprise goals of the Brand Asset Manager was to create consistency across all hospital marketing campaigns in different markets, the primary user was the individual marketing directors at each hospital. Therefore we had to make it easy for them to access marketing materials and brand assets for their brand.

    We looked at leading Digital Asset Managers and discovered many have a large set of tools and integrations. Given the timeline and resources of our team we couldn’t compete with those features, so instead we chose to differentiate by creating a Brand Asset Manager with a tight focus on one goal: streamline finding and ordering branded marketing materials from start to finish.

    Design & Features

    The design was kept simple and very clean, dedicating most of the screen’s space to user actions and individual page content.

    Each marketing director is able to preview, manage and download their brand’s logo files, color palettes and fonts.

    Changes made to a brand’s logos, colors or fonts immediately push out update all digital marketing assets in tool for that brand.

    Foundation for Innovation

    Users can create assets including emails, direct mail and display ads using their hospital’s brand. These are then downloadable and production-ready with the ability to send integrated platforms including email marketing and directly to the printer.

    The Brand Asset Manager was not fully completed due to the company’s change in priorities; however, the proof of concept fueled innovation in other future products.